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Multi-Cultural & Interpreter Services

Multi-Cultural & Interpreter Services

For more information Multi-Cultural & Interpreter Services, please call us.

Diversity Statement


As Heywood Healthcare expands to meet the needs and expectations of increasingly culturally and ethnically varied populations, a better understanding of cultural differences and their relationship to quality service, respect, inclusiveness and sensitivity becomes essential. Diversity includes all differences, not only those that indicated racial and ethnic distinctions. In addition to addressing the needs and concerns of specific populations such as African American, Alaskan Native, American Indian, Asian, Black, Hawaiian, Hispanic, Latino, Pacific Islander, diversity also accounts for the needs of others, such as the elderly, the disabled, and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender {LGBT communities, for example.

Diversity Vision

Our vision is to support the success of health care reform, combat racial and ethnic health disparities, build public health capacity, and promote wellness and management of chronic disease among the varied cultural, ethnic, underserved and underrepresented
Populations within the Heywood Healthcare region.


To support the goal of healthy people, healthy families, and healthy communities within the Heywood Healthcare region, particularly among underserved populations, through programs, services and care commonly founded upon compassionate care, education, and prevention strategies for individuals with diverse and unique needs.

Diversity Goals

To promote an inclusive work environment at Heywood Healthcare in which we embrace the diversity of our staff and programs; encourage the diversity of our staff and programs; encourages an atmosphere of mutual respect; and build awareness of issues related to health equity.

Interpreter Services

Interpreter Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a healthcare provider, we have an obligation to our patients to provide them with appropriate interpreter services at no cost.

This service is provided to our patients/residents and families at no cost, and we will not apply surcharges under any circumstances.

Interpreter services are available for all those non- English speaking and/or Limited English Proficiency and for those individuals who speak ASL (American Sign Language). These populations are to be provided access to interpreter services at any point of entry into the Heywood system and throughout their care tenure.

The purpose of this service is to meet the special needs and concerns of individuals who are members of linguistic and cultural minority groups and have Limited English Proficiency [LEP]. Availability of interpreters or staff members who are fluent in a language understood by LEP clients or prospective clients is necessary to provide said clients equal access to Heywood Hospital services.

Through verification from the trained interpreter, staff is able to ascertain the patient's preference whether to follow through with interpreter services or to decline them.

Use of Untrained Interpreters for Medical Interpretation

We strongly discourage the use of non-trained family/friends as interpreters.

At Heywood Hospital, we prefer to use the services of trained interpreters. We shall refrain from requiring, suggesting or encouraging patients to use family members or friends as interpreters.

In the event a patient prefers to use their own interpreter, we have an obligation to inform the patient that we prefer to use interpreter services by trained professionals to eliminate the risk or misinterpretation of medical information. If the patient still prefers to use their own interpreter, this preference will be respected.

Use of Minors for Interpretation

The use of minors for interpretation services is prohibited as per the Massachusetts Department of Public Health regulations 7/1/01.

For more information, contact the Multicultural Service Department at 978-630-6166.

Partners in the Community

The MultiCultural and Social Services Department partners with many community organizations.